Guides and AdviceStoring Food in the BackcountryNo matter where in the world your adventures take you, keeping pests out of your food bag should be one of your top considerations.
Thru-hikingExperiencing Nature Through Minimalism and Simple Living For trampers, minimalism is expressed in the form of simplifying our kits, simple living , and going ultralight.
Thru-hikingSuccessfully Preparing for a Thru-hikeIf you can make it through the first month, much of the physical challenge will have subsided. Mental challenges, on the other hand...
Thru-hikingPost Trail DepressionThru-hiking is, without a doubt, one of the pinnacles of personal achievement for anyone who succeeds. But it can come with downsides too.
Guides and AdviceFood on the Trail: Homemade and Ultralight OptionsAs we lighten our kit, food soon becomes the heaviest thing in the pack, this is all the more true at ultralight pack weights (as an...